Phil Atkinson Trophy Competition 2017

Advance notice so you can get shooting!

images for Phil Atkinson smartphone competition.

1. An image where the subject is food and/ or drink.

2. A portrait of a person

3. An image where the subject is the natural world, animal, insect or plant.

4. A land, sea or city scape.

5. An image that captures more than one person at an event or special occasion.

The original image must have been be shot by you on a smartphone device.

The EXIF file may be examined!

You can use either new images or images from your picture library. 

Images may be processed on a mobile device or a computer.

Separate shots should not be combined except at the image capture on the smartphone device e.g.  on an HDR setting or similar. 

The competition will be judged by the last winner of the trophy.

Competition entry closing date and competition date will be notified by our Competitions secretary in the new year.

XRR Visions 2016

This years Visions competition is open for entries and I would urge all club members to consider entering.

Dear Photographer,

Information about the competition, including the rules, submission details and entry fee (£5) are on Ian Hooker's CCComp website:

The closing date for entries is Sunday, 23rd October, and the final live judging for Visions will be on Wednesday, 23rd November at the Stanborough Centre.

Judging all entries this year will be Dr John Law FRPS MFIAP UPI Cr4 UPI Zeus of the East Anglian Federation.

I hope that you will again be inspired to enter our competition with its unique and entertaining format. Remember to save the best of the best image for the final live judging, as it may turn out to be a tie-breaker for the individual trophy and/or the prestigious Club trophy.

Kind regards,

Bill Cooper LRPS AFIAP

Secretary, XRR Photographic Society

2016 Open Cup results

A great competition with some really insightful feedback from judge Gordon Roberts.

Many congratulations go to Sue Martin for her winning entry "Flamingos Lines and Curves" into this year's Open Cup. Sue Vaines came second with her "To the Trains" entry. To see the winning images and all other entries, please head over to the Open Cup 2016 competition page
