Summer picnic and awards evening

Thursday 29th June 

This week's club meet is the annual awards evening. This year we thought we would have a picnic! The event will take place from 7:30pm at our normal venue, Christ Church at Stantonbury campus.

We'll be awarding trophies to the winners of the NCPS internal league (and other competitions).

Everyone's welcome! Family, friends, neighbours, whoever. The more the merrier frankly

Bring some lovely food/drink for yourself, be it a Tesco sausage roll, or a haute cuisine dish of your own making! 
Note, like other events, this is not a "bring and share" event (too much wasted food!). However, feel free to do what you like in your own sub group/clique! 


Summer Programme : Simpson Model Shoot 22/6/2017

This week, we'll be heading over to Simpson, Milton Keynes for a model shoot.
We will be meeting at The Plough pub at 7pm (postcode MK6 3AH, then it's just a short walk to the location, a storm drain/tunnel type thing which has lots of graffiti. There's also a large grassed area where you can shoot if you're not that keen on the grungy look. We've shot here before, with Darren S and with Em Theresa


Suggested equipment

  • Ideally, anything in the range 50mm to 200mm is ideal for portraiture
  • As fast as possible. f1.2 to f2.8 ideally. This will help in darker scenes, but will also provide a nice shallow depth of field for your portraits.


  • Reflector - You can reflect some sunlight into the tunnel with one of these, providing some golden light on your subject. Fill in those shadows that judges hate so much :)
  • Speedlights, triggers and portable softboxes
  •   A well placed speedlight can really make your portraits pop
  •   If you have gels to colour your speedlite, great! There will be some gels on hand if you dont have any (Jamie's own) 
  •   There will be some triggers for Canon users (Jamie's own) should you wish to try them out

We hope to have two models available

Not interested in portraits and models? No problem! The location we've chosen is close to a picturesque section of the Grand Union Canal. You can find some lovely landscape images here, as well as the local avian and insect wildlife to photograph

Exhibition print competition

The public visited our polling station on Friday and Saturday and weighed the pros and cons of each "candidate" carefully. After making their selection, they folded their voting slips with reverence and placed them into the polling box. The votes have been counted and have not been independently adjudicated and the winner has been announced!

Hearty congratulations to Linda Sutton for securing a strong and stable majority of the public vote! Well done! "Nose Dive" is an excellent image admired in the club and outside too! Linda scored a total of 107 points for this image, 20 points clear of second place!

Nose Dive

By Linda Sutton

In a rather Corbynesque style, the voter thought Jamie White's Labour of love "Sudoko" had merit too with 87 points

SUDOKU by Jamie White.jpg


By Jamie White

Dave Cromack received a Liberal number of votes for his excellent image "Guiding Lights", with 71 points.

GUIDING LIGHTS by Dave Cromack.jpg

Guiding Lights

By Dave Cromack

In fourth place, securing 70 points, was Neil Schofield's "Fox in Flight". A sublime image of the fox diving into Green grass

FOX IN FLIGHT by Neil  Schofield.jpg

Fox in Flight

By Neil Schofield

In fifth place was Colin Mill's "Rasta Horse". There was a lot of talk about this image. People were really taken with it. To be honest, you'd have to be a Monster Raving Looney not too though

Rasta Horse

By Colin Mill

Thank you to all club members for their entries, as well as all of the dedicated folk who put the exhibition together, manned the desk, guided the public, worked in the photo studio and helped take it all down again. All total heroes. Special thanks to Dave Cromack for organising it, Ian Mellor, JP Srivalsan and Tanya for the photo studio, Stuart Peaker for equipment guidance and the people on the door, Dave Phillips, Angela McClean, Annie Mellor (and the lovely people who worked on Friday too!)