Thursday 19th October : Competition

This coming Thursday (19th October) we will be running round 2 of our internal league competition. This time it's a set subject "3". This means any interpretation of the number three. You may have three prominent objects, three images arranged in a triptych, a photograph of the number 3 etc. 

The competition will be judged by a visiting judge (name TBA).

Please read the email Mark sent out recently on how to enter and PLEASE double check the naming of your files. It causes Mark a lot of re-work each time someone gets it wrong.

Look forward to seeing you all there for another round of stunning images

Thursday 12th October - A talk on BPE - British Photographic Exhibitions

The BPE was formed in the late 80's to encourage photography there are currently 19 exhibitions around the country. Several of our members have already joined the circuit and have enjoyed successes.

Colin Mill will be telling us about the BPE circuit and be showing us a few of his successful images that have got him to BPE2 and we'll also be viewing a few of the sections from one of the local exhibitions, the Rushden Open.

Anyone can enter - you just need to carefully read the rules, pay the appropriate fees and send your images. 

The images are then assessed by a panel of 3 selectors with each selector awarding each image a mark from 1 to 5. Each exhibition sets its acceptance mark in each of the sections and if your image was awarded enough marks it is accepted and appears in that exhibition - there are usually catalogues and CDs available for a small fee and of course you can always visit the exhibition itself. Each acceptance is worth 1 point in the BPE Crown Awards scheme. 

BPE1 Crown Award = 25 points
BPE2 Crown Award = 50 points
BPE3 Crown Award = 100 points
BPE4 Crown Award = 200 points
BPE5 Crown Award = 300 points

Thursday 05-October-2017 - Studio Lighting technique evening

This Thursday, we will be running a studio lighting technique evening. A demonstration of how to properly light and photograph a model using studio lighting

In the first half of the evening we will demonstrate the use of studio lights to create Loop, Rembrandt and Split lighting.

The second half will expand upon these techniques to introduce kicker lights, background lighting and gels to really complete a professional looking portrait.

Experts in studio lighting will be on hand to answer questions. Where possible we will invite those interested to take a small number of shots themselves using the lighting setups

If you would like to "swot up" on the basic techniques, please take a look at

See you there!