Thursday 8th November - Camera brands workshop

Next Thursday 8th November is a members evening and we will be forming groups around tables for each popular camera brand i.e. Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Fujifilm etc.

As there are so few actual camera shops now this could be a great opportunity to get help with using your camera and what accessory you may want to purchase next!

You will be able to find out about and try out;

• Lenses for your camera

• Accessories that fit your camera

• How to set your camera in different picture modes

• Camera features that you haven't used

• Tips and tricks to take better photographs

• Other cameras of the same brand and their features

Please bring along your camera kit and any other accessories for other members to look at and try out.

Please think in advance what you want to find out from other members of the group as I will be asking you to state what you want to find out at the start of the session.

See you there!

Stephen Miller

Programme Secretary

This week at club - Practical night

The "theme" for the evening is cards and calendars.

Firstly, we'll split into four teams (ideally with a post processing expert on each team). We will then set up and photograph items in boxes and process images. After a quick cup of tea and a natter, we will complete our post processing and show our final images. Attendees of the evening can then vote for the best image!

Remember to bring your cameras and a laptop if you’re going to edit some photos folks!

As always, if you’re not a member, why not pop along to see what we’re about? Bring a camera and have some fun!

We meet at Christ Church, Purbeck, Stantonbury Campus, Milton Keynes MK14 6BN each Thursday from 7:30pm onwards